Young people- A Guide for Parents

The school curriculum contains aspect of alcohol and substance misuse. Spectrum have produced a booklet called “Young people- A Guide for Parents” the aim is for it to be guide and for parents to have the confidence to discuss alcohol issues with their children.
The booklet is available to download from the link below
Parents Booklet
Here is the direct link to the alcohol booklet on the website:
The booklet can be found alongside more information about Relationships and Sex Education on the webpage: RSE
Department of Education research (2010) shows an association between 14-year-olds drinking once or twice a week and lower scores at GCSE – a drop of around 20 points or three grades.
The same research shows that drinking was associated with other negative outcomes, such as the likelihood of being NEET and not remaining in full time education beyond the age of 16. Public Health England (PHE) estimates that every £1 invested in early interventions to prevent misuse of alcohol and drugs generates benefits of £5-£8.